So after doing 7+ exams already we have accumulated some tips that help us in exams. Although we still have another 7+ exams left we thought it wold be a good idea to share our tips for our own good (to remember them) and for those that are reading this who are also in the middle of exams.
1) Highlighters- we feel like these are just the bog standard exam tool, but I know people don't actually use them. So for us we always take 3/4 different coloured highlighters into the exam to highlight keywords, key points information etc. They just make it easier to understand the question fully. It's better to understand the question then write a really good answer to realise that wasn't what they wanted you to say. So use them to prevent it!
2) Making sure you are not hungry. This is something we both have to make sure of because we find that when you are hungry in an exam you tend to distract yourself and focus on what you want to eat then the paper itself. We recommend having something that will give you energy like a banana for example.
3) Turning your phone off at night. The night before morning exams we always have to be in bed for 9pm (early we know but we wake up at 6 so we need the extra sleep) so we turn our phones off at 9. They recommend turning your phone off 30 minuets before you go to sleep but for us we just like to be relax and then drift of.
4) Pack your bag the night before. Always do this because then it gives you time to see whether you have all the equipment you need rather than stressing out in the morning.
5) Don't talk about the exam with other people-they will only make you panic (which is not what you need.)
6) Tie your hair up. Again I (Kirsty) tend to get easily distracted in exams especially when I'm not sure on a question so except from staying focussed I sometimes play with my hair if it is ever down. However, I have stopped doing this mainly because these exams are the real things and not the mocks. It just helps me stay focussed when my hair is out my face.
7) Go to bed early- It really helps even if its only 30 minuets earlier than usual.
8) Relax before exams-Don't try and squeeze in anymore revision because you want your brain to be calm and prepared to answer the questions in the paper. Revising before you are about to take it will only stress you out and most likely make you forget things.
9) Eat a banana- Banana's are a really great energy source. Having one before an exam will make you awake and energetic.
10) Drink plenty of water- Don't over drink so that you need to go to the toilet but make sure you have drunken some water and even take a bottle in the exam. But remember to take the label of! Drinking water makes your brain hydrated for you to stay focus and work to your best ability.
We hope this is helpful some of them are bog standard but as I said at the beginning it's to help us remember these tips as well. Good Luck in any exams!
The Twins