Friday 27 February 2015

Why? | Friday February Fitness

Today's the last post of our mini series of February fitness.. :( It has been a fun one and we hope to whoever has read them the we hope you have enjoyed reading them! For the last post we thought we would share with you benefits and why having a healthy, active lifestyle is a good thing.
We will list and explain the benefits, some benefits will be what has come to us personally (what we have noticed dramatically) and other benefits will be a bit more scientific...oooo!
1.Positive outlook on life- You become less lazy and more active to achieve your goals due to the mood boosting foods we consume, less sugar more fibre!
2.We have become more awake and mentally ready for the days!
3.We have also noticed we are a lot less snappy with each other
4.We are more happy with ourselves because of the endorphins that are released when exercising
5. It is helping improve our fitness level ready for our GCSE PE practical exam (the main reason why we did it)
6. For kirsty: helping me prepare for the half marathon
7. Our insides are probably loving us right now due to the nutrition they are receiving everyday :)

We have not done any workout idea posts because we find that it is down to personal preference, everyone enjoys different things so we found if we did any workout posts it would not be as helpful. But if you were after workout ideas always go on YouTube and type in what you want to work on!
Overall, having an active, healthy lifestyle has just changed our lives for the better-yes that sounds cringe but it is true. We are physically and mentally prepared for each day that we face especially during a stressful Year 11!
The Twins

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